Tatiana Ticker (Higher School of Social Technologies, Latvia). Cross-cultural Communicative Linguistic Misinterpretations in the Modern World. – In: Languages and Cultures of the Baltic Region: Collection of Papers. Vol. 2. – Rīga: Sociālo tehnoloģiju augstskola (STA), 2007. ISBN 978-9984-39-253-0.
In the article, its author focuses on two main things: the connection between communication and culture and the student autonomy as increased student responsibility for his/her studies. Concerning the latter, it is not always effective, because the efficiency output is usually low. However, the important point is not how much progress the individual student is able to make. It is easy when you definitely know what you are looking for. In any case, this problem mostly refers to teachers. To find a solution to the problem there is a need for studying the language and its culture simultaneously. The ideal result of such method will be worldwide communication without any linguistic difficulties.