Higher School of Social Technologies
Riga Classical Gymnasium
April 26-27, 2007
Riga, Latvia
April 27, Friday
10:00–13:00 Workshop 6: Linguistics, English subgroup
(Higher School of Social Technologies, Bezdeligu Str. 12)
Chair: lect. Tatyana Khramova
Laima Juknevičiūtė (Vilnius University, Lithuania)
Common Baltic and Germanic Cognates
Šarūnė Liaudanskaitė (Vilnius University, Lithuania)
Animals of the Middle World: The Semantic Features of the Word 'wolf',
the Ritual Role of Wolves in Ancient Indo-European Traditions
Ieva Klara Kučiauskaitė and Dovilė Palapytė (Vilnius University, Lithuania)
The Semantic Change of Mystical Words in the Field of the Afterworld
Alexandra Neberikutina (Volzhsky Institute of Humanities, Russia)
The Discourse Analysis of the Ceremony of Match-Making
in the Old Estonian Epic „Kalevipoeg”
Lina Inčiuraitė (Vilnius University, Lithuania)
The Spiritual Connotation of the Bodies of Water in the Bible
Monika Bagdonaitė and Jolita Lapienytė (Vilnius University, Lithuania)
The Differences Between Women and Men Language
Viktorija Reimontaitė (Vilnius University, Lithuania)
Passive Constructions in English
Tomasz Michta (Warsaw University, Poland)
Collocations in Chemical Texts: A Corpus Based Approach
Erika Valentukonytė (Vilnius University, Lithuania)
Anglicisms in the Lithuanian Language
Kristina Narisova (Higher School of Social Technologies, Latvia)
Some Facts about the Development of the Latvian Language
Giedrius Lužinas (Vilnius University, Lithuania)
Chatgroup Communications: Internet English Neologisms
April 27, Friday
10:00–13:00 Workshop 7: Translatology
(Higher School of Social Technologies, Bezdeligu Str. 12)
Chair: doc. Catherine Abasheva (Latvia); doc. Zoja Mironova (Latvia)
Lecture: Надежда Мороз («Tulkojumu birojs Skrivanek Latvia»)
Методика оценки и редактирования переводов
(на материале переводов с латышского на русский)
Ана Божкова (Вильнюсский университет, Литва)
Имена негативных эмоций в русском и литовском языках
(на материале переводов «Идиота» Ф.М. Достоевского)
Довиле Калвайтите (Вильнюсский университет, Литва)
Имена позитивных эмоций в романе Ф.М. Достоевского «Идиот»
и в его переводе на литовский язык
Kristīne Pudniece (Higher School of Social Technologies, Latvia)
Legal Documents Within the EU and Translation Approaches
Natālija Pankratjeva (Higher School of Social Technologies, Latvia)
Untranslatability from the Cultural-linguistic Aspect
Roberts Šuhs (Higher School of Social Technologies, Latvia)
Some Translation Aspects of Multifunctionality in Legal Texts
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